Monday, December 19, 2005

Turkeys, Milkweeds, Ice, Snow, . . . .

Calla and I flushed out a dozen wild turkeys on our afternoon walk. One of these days I am going to get a good shot of turkeys. We were within about 20 metres of the flock when they all took off flying in several directions. About 10 minutes later, I heard them calling to each other in an attempt to regroup and managed to get this photo from a long distance away.

Yesterday when Églantine, Calla, and I were out, I went looking for and found some Swamp Milkweed stalks with pods. Églantine noticed that some seeds and pod parts looked like a face.

The pods of the Swamp Milkweed are a lot more delicate than the Common Milkweed.

Below is a close up photo of an icicle with the sun setting behind it. (Yes, I broke it off and turned it sideways. The icicle that is, not the sun.)

And, before I forget, just for the Kansas Reader, here is this morning's sunrise & snow photo with the temperature.

Yes, the temperature is in Celsius. (10 F & -6 F)


Lené Gary said...

I saw a flock of 10 wild turkeys the other day and just finished emailing my sister about it. What a funny coincidence to see your post. They really crack me up when they get startled and try to fly away or up into a tree.

Rurality said...

I just love vicarious snow! Next time I think that it's cold here I'll come look at your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

You could be skiing your old haunts for a change. We had 8 inches over the week-end, with 2F yesterday AM. Love not having to drive anywhere in it!

Anonymous said...

Down here in Kansas City, we're looking toward a 50 degree (F) day this week. Hot dog! I'm going out to the woods and dragging the family along behind me.

Ontario Wanderer said...

L, For their size and awkwardness, they do fairly well at flying into trees. They alway surprise me.

R, It's hard to ski or snowshoe on vicarious snow.

KR, So are you taking up skiing? You might want to move some of the fences that are at the bottoms of hills.

P, Sounds wonderful if you like mud. I prefer snow.

Randa said...

You take some wonderful photos! I love the icicle sunset, and the morning sunrise in particular. I happened across your blog this morning via 'Rurality', which I happened upon via 'Dirt by Amy Stewart'. Your lifestyle has many similarities to ours. I am glad I found you!

I, too, live in Rural Ontario...although that definition contains a large territory. I'm in Eastern Ontario -- near Ottawa. And you?

Ontario Wanderer said...

Randa, Thanks for your note. We are near Hamilton. Actually we are nearer to Brantford if you are a fan of that "game" that some play on ice. I think you might have heard of one of the players from Brantford.

Randa said...

Every good Canadian knows that player from Brantford :)

And thank you for your very friendly comment on my blog. What a pleasure to be greeted this morning by a comment from a new friend!