I woke up late and got up at 4:40 a.m. I had to reread the DILO format to see what I was supposed to do as I had not taken time to do it recently. The maximum photos for the site is 5 with the possibility of putting up others at another site with a link from one of the 5. This is going to be my other site. You may want to continue to see what Ontario Wanderer is all about on Dec. 21 or you may want to move to other more important and interesting blogs. I leave that to you as I continue to carry on with my day. First Photos below....
The first hour or two of almost every day is taken up by checking up on e-mail, the weather, a variety of blogs and any flickr sites that I have time for before Églantine gets up. At this dark time of year, I usually wake Églantine up sometime between 6:30 and 7:00 depending upon .... etc. On 5 or 6 days out of 7, I make the breakfast. Most often it's oatmeal with nuts, raisins, dried cranberries or other fruit inside but sometimes I'll fry or scramble eggs or make homefries or get out cold cereal but this morning I chose to make whole wheat pancakes from scratch and threw in some cinnamon and banana pieces. We had it with margarine and Quebec maple syrup today.
Our usual end of breakfast routine on these cold days is to light the fire in the fireplace, have coffee, and read. (Didn't I tell you retirement was rough?)
To be continues as soon as I process more of the photos....
Oh yeah, really really rough that retirement!! Sounds like some yummy food you cook up for breakfast too!
You are both so beautiful! I am so happy to see Eglantine's face. Hello Eglantine!
Delicious breakfast you are having there. We have our breakfast of toast and tea in bed. I usually awaken by 6:00 and make the tea. Then we take our laptops in bed and check the news and blogs. One of us gets up to make the toast. It's very ritualistic. Retirement is lovely.
Thanks for sharing your DILO.
I don't know how you cope with a retirement that rough!
Your house looks very cosy indeed. Just as well, because it looks extremely cold outside. Down here in Cornwall it's almost balmy in comparison. I wear a fleece on our morning walks but usually end up rolling up the sleeves because I get too warm after I've trudged up a few hills, climbed a few stiles and forded a few streams.
R, I will admit that breakfasts during my working days were not as exciting. Usually just oatmeal or cold cereal for me during the week. There are some benefits to retirement; having time to eat being one of them.
RD, Thank you, you are always so kind in your comments. Églantine sends her greetings back to you.
SGJ, No one takes me seriously. I can't understand it. The house is not as cosy as it looks as the cost of fuel oil is so high that we keep the temperature in most of the house down around or below 18 C or 65 F. It is nice in front of the fire however. I am impressed that you ford streams and stay warm. I remember taking off my shoes, socks, and pants to cross one stream on the Appalachian trail when the temperature was near freezing and it was not very warm. On the other hand, it was worse thinking about it than doing it.
I use the long-jump method of stream-fording. Occasionally it goes horribly wrong though ...
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