Friday, May 31, 2024

Swan - Sit Spot #1378 - May 31, 2024

Mute Swan in Hendrie Valley

Friday, May 31, 2024 5:30 p.m.

Sit 1378    :    Brush Pile W   :   Sunny

+23° (+23°)   W 11- 12 kph       32% humidity

(Traffic Noises), 

Blue Jays,

Great Crested Flycatcher,


(Unidentified Jet),




12:15 a.m. -| Quiet,

2:20 a.m.   -| Stars shining,

5:44 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,

House Wren, 


Baltimore Oriole, 


(Merlin App),

(Warbling Vireo),


Morning Activities -

Volunteering at RBG Herbarium,

Afternoon Activities -

 Wild Flower Walk at RBG,   

 Anemone, Canada

 Arrow-Wood, Southern 

 Asparagus *

 Avens, Wood *

 Blackberry, Common 

 Blue Flag, Slender *

 Buttercup, Tall *

 Celandine *

 Chickweed, Common * 

 Cinquefoil, Common


 Clover, White *

 Columbine, Wild

 Cranberry, Highbush

 Dandelion, Common *

 Dock, Broad-Leaved *

 Fleabane, Common

 Forget-Me-Not, True *

 Galinsoga *

 Geranium, Wild

 Grape, Riverbank

 Groundsel, Common * 

 Henbit *

 Herb Robert *


 Honeysuckle, Amur *

 Honeysuckle, Northern Bush 

 Mayflower, Canada

 Medick, Black *

 Mustard, Garlic *

 Nipplewort *

 Pennycress, Field *

 Pimpernel, Yellow

 Pineapple Weed *

 Raspberry, Black,

 Rocket, Dame's *

 Rose, Smooth,

 Solomon's Seal, False

 Speedwell, Thyme-Leaved *

 Swallowwort *

 Swallowwort, Black *

 Viburnum, Maple-Leaved

 Water Lily, Sweet Scented

 Waterleaf, Virginia

 Wood Sorrel, Yellow

2,8k Trail Walk with Marigold,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

   ( . . . later . . . )

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Banana Bread - Sit Spot #1377 - May 30, 2024

Skillet Banana Bread
I usually make this 2 or 3 times
every month

Thursday, May 30, 2024 5:20 p.m.

Sit 1377.   :   Brush Pile W   :   Sunny

(Weather app not working)

Mourning Dove  


(Traffic Noises), 


Song Sparrow, 

Rose-breasted Grosbeak  



(11:50 p.m.) -| Stars shining,

2:00 a.m.      -| Quiet

3:25 a.m. -


Moon shining through trees,

Stars shining,

5:44 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -



Warbling Vireo,

House Wren,

Carolina Wren,

Baltimore Oriole

(Merlin App),

(Tree Swallows),

(Song Sparrow),

(Cedar Waxwings)

Morning Activities -

Short walk with Marigold,

To bank to sort out money transfer,

To Gym,

   2 km walk,

   1 km run,

Afternoon Activities -

Weeded walk area leading to house,

Put down cardboard and mulch

   To stop weeds from coming back,

Still a lot of initial weeding to do,

2.8 km Trail Walk with Marigold,



 Great Crested Flycatcher,

 House Wren

 Red-winged Blackbirds,


 Dryad’s Saddle 

 Green Frogs 



 Deer tracks,

Blooming Flowers:

 Black Medic,


 Canada Anemone,




 Common Fleabane,


 Dames Rocket,


 Everbearing Strawberry,

 False Solomon's Seal,


 Garlic Mustard,

 Golden Alexanders,

 Ground Ivy,

 Hairy Vetch,

 Herb Robert,

 Maroon/Yellow-orange Iris

 Meadow Hawkweed,

 Oxeye Daisy,


 Purple Iris,

 Red Clover,

 Red Osier Dogwood,

 Riverbank Grape, 


 Stitchwort (sp,),

 Tall Buttercup,

 Thyme-leaved Speedwells,  


 White Clover,

 Wild Geranium,

 Wood Avens,

 Yellow Lady's Slippers,

 Yellow Wood Sorrel,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

   ( . . . Wondering if I will ever catch up . . . )

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

. . . - Sit 1376 - May 29, 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 5:45 p.m.

Sit 1376     :     East Porch    :    Mostly Sunny 

+19° (+19°)      N 15-22 kph      42% humidity 

Red-winged Blackbirds, 

Warbling Vireo,

Baltimore Oriole ,

Field Sparrow,


(Traffic Noises), 

House Wren, 

Mourning Dove,


12:30 a.m. -

Mostly cloudy,

Tree Frogs calling,

3:25 a.m. -

Partly cloudy,

Moon showing off and on,

Very Quiet,

5:45 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,


Mourning Dove, 

Baltimore Oriole,


Red-winged Blackbirds,


Field Sparrow, 

(Merlin App),


Morning Activities -

Box washing at Plan B Organic Farm,

Afternoon Activities -

To hospital lab for blood work,

To doctor to get results,

   Computer problems at the hospital,

   Waited almost 3 hours to see doctor

      with lab results,

   Results say I am more healthy,

Too late home to do regular walks,

Only did a short walk with Marigold and Fleur-Ange,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

   ( . . . to be added later . . . )