Some not-so-quick research yielded the following: The young shoots of the Carrion Flower plant may be eaten like asparagus. The roots may be made into a jello like substance and eaten. The "berries" are mostly seed with a tiny bit of flesh around them and are eaten by the following birds and animals that we have seen on our property: Wood Ducks, Ring-necked Pheasants, Wild Turkeys, Cardinals, Catbirds, Crows, Yellow-shafted Flickers, Mockingbirds, Robins, Fox Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, Brown Thrashers, Cedar Waxwings, Pileated Woodpeckers, Opossums, Cottontail Rabbits, Raccoons, Foxes, and White-tailed Deer. Looks like a good plant to keep growing here! [From a Dover reprint of "American Wildlife & Plants: A guide to Wildlife Food Habits by Martixn, Zim, & Nelson.]
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The art show is over. (Lots of visitors, few sales.) Now I have time to walk the trails again to see what is happening. Here are Enchanter's Nightshade seed pods waiting for an animal to come along to help spread seeds.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Barn - Art Gallery
We have again turned our barn into an art gallery for the weekend. Now all we need is visitors and buyers.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Walking The Rock II
I will have an 8 x 10 print of this in our upcoming art show and sale.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Sulphur butterfly
I tried numerous times last year to get a photo of one of these Sulphur butterflies to no avail. I had better luck today. I did not get the photo I wanted and never got it in an open position so I cannot say for sure which Sulphur it is but it is either Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice) or Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme) or, wouldn't you know it, a hybrid. Without the open wings, and more experience, I cannot tell.
Monday, September 03, 2007
September Wild Flowers
Just taking a couple of minutes away from art show preparations to write this September, already, wild flower list. As I have said other years, many people stop looking for wild flowers when summer is winding down but the flowers do continue and there are some plants that do not start blooming until September. Presently, I have 314 species listed for September. About 20 of those have not started to bloom yet and then there are the spring flowers that sometimes bloom again in the fall. Violets, Honeysuckles, and Dogwoods are three groups that come to mind as spring flowers that bloom again in the fall sometimes.
Following is a list of wild or naturalized flower species that have been found blooming in the Hamilton, Ontario area in September. As usual the * means that the flowers are NOT native to our area. (I see that I am not up to date with all the Latin name changes for the Asters. Sorry 'bout that.)
ENGLISH NAMES -- Latin Names
Agrimony -- Agrimonia gryposepala
Alfalfa * -- Medicago sativa
Alyssum, Hoary * -- Berteroa incana
Amaranth, Green * -- Amaranthus retroflexus
Amaranth, Slender -- Amaranthus hybridus
Apple-Of-Peru * -- Nicandra physalodes
Arrowhead, Common -- Sagittaria latifolia
Artichoke, Jerusalem * -- Helianthus tuberosus
Aster, Amethyst -- Aster X amethystinus
Aster, Arrow-Leaved -- Symphyotrichum urophyllum
Aster, Azure (Sky Blue) -- Aster oolentangiense
Aster, Calico (Starved) -- Aster lateriflorus var. lateriflorus
Aster, Flat-Topped -- Aster umbellatus
Aster, Frost -- Aster pilosus var. pilosus
Aster, Heart-Leaved -- Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Aster, Heath -- Symphyotrichum ericoides var. pansum
Aster, Large-Leaved -- Eurybia macrophylla
Aster, New England -- Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Aster, Panicled -- Aster lanceolatus
Aster, Purple-Stemmed -- Aster puniceus
Aster, Smooth -- Aster laevis
Avens, Catling's * -- Geum x catlingii
Avens, White -- Geum canadense
Avens, Wood * -- Geum urbanum
Avens, Yellow -- Geum aleppicum
Balsam, Himalayan * -- Impatiens glandulifera
Basil, Wild -- Clinopodium vulgare
Beechdrops -- Epifagus virginiana
Beggar Tick -- Bidens frondosa
Beggar Tick, Swamp -- Bidens tripartita
Beggar Tick, Tall -- Bidens vulgata
Bellflower, Creeping * -- Campanula rapunculoides
Bellflower, Tall -- Campanula americana
Bindweed, Black * -- Polygonum convolvulus
Bindweed, Field * -- Convolvulus arvensis
Bindweed, Fringed -- Polygonum cilinode
Bindweed, Hedge -- Calystegia sepium
Bittercress, Hairy * -- Cardamine hirsuta
Black-Eyed Susan -- Rudbeckia hirta
Bluestem, Big (Grass) -- Andropogon gerardii
Boneset -- Eupatorium perfoliatum
Boneset, Tall -- Eupatorium altissimum
Bouncing Bet * -- Saponaria officinalis
Buckwheat, Climbing False -- Polygonum scandens
Bugleweed, Northern -- Lycopus uniflorus
Bugleweed, Rough -- Lycopus asper
Bugloss, Viper's * -- Echium vulgare
Bunchberry -- Cornus canadensis
Bur Cucumber, One-Seeded -- Sicyos angulatus
Burdock, Common * -- Arctium minus
Burdock, Great * -- Arctium lappa
Bur-Marigold, Nodding -- Bidens cernua
Butter-And-Eggs * -- Linaria vulgaris
Buttercup, Tall * -- Ranuculus acris
Butterfly Weed -- Asclepias tuberosa
Campion, Bladder * -- Silene vulgaris
Campion, Red * -- Silene dioica
Campion, White (Evening Lychis) * -- Silene latifolia
Cancerwort, Roundleaf * -- Kickxia spuria
Cancerwort, Sharpleaf* -- Kickxia elatine
Carpenter's Square (Figwort) -- Scrophularia marilandica
Catchfly, Night Flowering * -- Silene noctiflora
Catnip * -- Nepeta cataria
Celandine * -- Chelidonium majus
Chamomile, Scentless * -- Matricaria maritima
Charlock * -- Sinapis arvensis
Chickweed, Common * -- Stellaria media
Chickweed, Mouse-Ear * -- Cerastium fontanum
Chicory * -- Cichorium intybus
Cinquefoil, Common -- Potentilla simplex
Cinquefoil, Dwarf -- Potentilla canadensis
Cinquefoil, Rough -- Potentilla norvegica ssp.monspeliensis
Cinquefoil, Rough-Fruited * -- Potentilla recta
Cinquefoil, Silvery * -- Potentilla argentea
Clearweed -- Pilea pumila
Cleavers (Bedstraw) -- Galium aparine
Clotbur, Common -- Xanthium strumarium
Clover, Alsike * -- Trifolium hybridum
Clover, Hop * -- Trifolium aureum
Clover, Red * -- Trifolium pratese
Clover, White * -- Trifolium repens
Clover, White Sweet * -- Melilotus alba
Clover, Yellow Sweet * -- Melilotus officinalis
Comfrey, Common * -- Symphytum officinale ssp.officinale
Coneflower, Gray-Headed -- Ratibida pinnata
Coneflower, Purple * -- Echinacea purpurea
Coneflower, Tall -- Rudbeckia laciniata
Coneflower, Thin-Leaved * -- Rudbeckia triloba
Corydalis, Pink -- Corydalis sempervirens
Crabgrass, Large * -- Digitaria sanguinalis
Cress, Marsh Yellow -- Rorippa palustris ssp.fernaldiana
Crowfoot, Bristly * -- Ranunculus pensylvanicus
Crowfoot, Cursed -- Ranunculus sceleratus
Cucumber, Wild -- Echinocystis lobata
Cup Plant -- Silphium perfoliatum var.perfoliatum
Daisy, Oxeye * -- Leucanthemum vulgare
Dandelion, Common * -- Taraxacum officiale
Dandelion, Red-Seeded * -- Taraxacum erythrospermum
Dayflower, Asiatic * -- Commelina communis
Dead-Nettle, Purple * -- Lamium purpureum
Dead-Nettle, Spotted * -- Lamium maculatum
Dodder, Common (Gronovius') -- Cuscuta gronovii
Dogbane, Spreading -- Apocynum androsaemifolium
Dogwood, Red-Osier (Shrub) -- Cornus sericea ssp. sericea
Dogwood, Silky (Shrub) -- Cornus amomum
Elecampane * -- Inula helenium
Evening Primrose, Common -- Oenothera biennis
Everlasting, Pearly -- Anaphalis margaritacea
Feverfew * -- Tanacetum parthenium
Fireweed -- Epilobium angustifolium
Flax, Common * -- Linum usitatissimum
Fleabane, Common -- Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus
Fleabane, Daisy -- Erigeron annuus
Fleabane, Lesser Daisy -- Erigeron strigosus
Flower-Of-An-Hour * -- Hibiscus trionum
Forget-Me-Not, Smaller -- Myosotis laxa
Forget-Me-Not, True * -- Myosotis scorpioides
Foxtail, Meadow * (Grass) -- Alopecurus pratensis
Galinsoga * -- Galinsoga quadriradiata
Germander, American -- Teucrium canadense
Goatsbeard, Meadow * -- Tragopogon pratensis ssp.pratensis
Goatsbeard, Yellow * -- Tragopogon dubius
Goldenrod, Blue-Stemmed -- Solidago caesia
Goldenrod, Canada -- Solidago canadensis
Goldenrod, Early -- Solidago juncea
Goldenrod, Gray -- Solidago nemoralis
Goldenrod, Hairy -- Solidago hispida
Goldenrod, Lance-Leaved -- Euthamia graminifolia
Goldenrod, Late -- Solidago gigantea
Goldenrod, Rough-Leaved -- Solidago patula
Goldenrod, Stiff (Hard-Leaved) -- Solidago rigida
Goldenrod, Tall -- Solidago altissima
Goldenrod, Zigzag -- Solidago flexicaulis
Ground Cherry, Clammy -- Physalis heterophylla
Ground Ivy * -- Glechoma hederacea
Groundnut -- Apios americana
Groundsel, Common * -- Senecio vulgaris
Groundsel, Sticky -- Senecio viscosus
Harebell -- Campanula rotundifolia
Hawkweed, Field * -- Hieracium caespitosum
Hawkweed, Orange * -- Hieracium aurantiacum
Heal-All -- Prunella vulgaris
Hedge Nettle, Rough -- Stachys tenuifolia v. hispida
Hedge-Parsley, Upright * -- Torilis japonica
Henbit * -- Lamium amplexicaule
Herb Robert * -- Geranium robertiaum
Hog Peanut -- Amphicarpa bracteata
Honeysuckle, Amur * (Shrub) -- Lonicera maackii
Honeysuckle, Northern Bush (Shrub) -- Diervilla lonicera
Horehound, Black -- Ballota nigra
Horehound, Water -- Lycopus americanus
Horse Balm -- Collinsonia canadensis
Horseweed -- Conyza canadensis
Hyssop, Yellow Giant (Catnip, G.H.) -- Agastache nepetoides
Indian Tobacco -- Lobelia inflata
Indian-Pipe -- Monotropa uniflora
Jimsonweed * -- Datura stramonium
Joe-Pye Weed, Spotted -- Eupatorium maculatum
Knapweed, Black * -- Centaurea nigra
Knapweed, Brown * -- Centaurea jacea
Knapweed, Spotted * -- Centaurea maculosa
Knotgrass, Common * -- Polygonum aviculare
Knotweed, Japanese * -- Polygonum cuspidatum
Knotweed, Pink -- Polygonum pensylvanicum
Knotweed, Virginia (Jumpseed) -- Polygonum virginianum
Lady's Thumb * -- Polygonum persicaria
Leafcup, Small-Flowered -- Polymnia canadensis
Lettuce, Tall White -- Prenanthes altissima
Lettuce, White -- Prenanthes alba
Lettuce, Wild -- Lactuca canadensis
Live-Forever * -- Hylotelephium telephium ssp.fabaria
Lobelia, Great -- Lobelia siphilitica
Loosestrife, Purple * -- Lythrum salicaria
Loosestrife, Swamp -- Decodon verticillatus
Loosestrife, Yellow (Swamp Candles) -- Lysimachia thyrsiflora
Madder, Wild (Bedstraw) * -- Galium mollugo
Mallow, Common(Cheeses) * -- Malva neglecta
Mallow, Indian * (Velvetleaf) * -- Abutilon theophrasti
Mallow, Musk * -- Malva moschata
Marjoram, Wild * -- Origanum vulgare
Mayweed * -- Anthemis cotula
Medick, Black * -- Medicago lupulina
Medick, Hyrid *(Yellow Alfalfa) -- Medicago X varia
Mercury, Three-Seeded -- Acalypha rhomboidea
Milkweed, Common -- Asclepias syriaca
Mint, Wild -- Mentha arvensis
Motherwort * -- Leonurus cardiaca ssp. Cardiaca
Mountain Mint, Virginia -- Pycnanthemum virginianum
Mullein, Clasping-Leaved -- Verbascum phlomoides
Mullein, Common * -- Verbascum thapsus
Mullein, Moth * -- Verbascum blattaria
Mustard, Black * -- Brassica nigra
Mustard, Dog * -- Erucastrum gallicum
Mustard, Field * -- Brassica rapa
Mustard, Hedge * -- Sisymbrium officinale
Mustard, Indian * -- Brassica juncea
Mustard, Tumble * -- Sisymbrium altissimum
Mustard, Wormseed * -- Erysimum cheiranthoides ssp. cheiranthoides
Nettle, Hemp * -- Galeopsis tetrahit
Nettle, Stinging * -- Urtica dioica ssp dioica
Nettle, Tall -- Urtica dioica ssp.gracilis
Nightshade, Bittersweet * -- Solanum dulcamara
Nightshade, Eastern Black -- Solanum ptychanthum
Nightshade, Enchanter's -- Circaea lutetiana ssp.canadensis
Nipplewort * -- Lapsana communis
Obedient Plant -- Physostegia virginiana
Orach -- Atriplex patula
Ox-Tongue * -- Picris hieracioides
Parsnip, Water -- Sium suave
Parsnip, Wild * -- Pastinaca sativa
Pea, Everlasting * -- Lathyrus latifolius
Pennycress, Field * -- Thlaspi arvense
Peppergrass, Field * -- Lepidium campestre
Peppermint * -- Mentha X piperita
Periwinkle * -- Vinca minor
Phlox, Garden * -- Phlox paniculata
Phragmites (Grass) -- Phragmites australis
Pickerelweed -- Pontederia cordata
Pigweed * -- Chenopodium album var. album
Pilewort (American Burnweed) -- Erechtites hieracifolia
Pimperel, Scarlet * -- Anagallis arvensis
Pineapple Weed * -- Matricaria discoidea
Pink, Deptford * -- Dianthus armeria
Pitcher-Plant -- Sarracenia purpurea
Plantain, Common * -- Plantago major
Plantain, English * -- Plantago lanceolata
Plantain, Red-Stemmed (Pale) -- Plantago rugelii
Pokeweed -- Phytolacca americana
Purslane * -- Portulaca oleracea
Queen Anne's Lace * -- Daucus carota
Ragweed, Common -- Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Ragweed, Great -- Ambrosia trifida
Raspberry, Purple-Flowering (Shrub) -- Rubus odoratus
Raspberry, Wild Red (Shrub) -- Rubus idaeus
Rocket, Dame's * -- Hesperis matroalis
Rocket, Sea -- Cakile edentula
Rose, Rugosa * -- Rosa rugosa
Saint Johnswort, Common * -- Hypericum perforatum
Saint Johnswort, Dwarf -- Hypericum mutilum
Scorpion-Grass, Blue * -- Myosotis stricta
Shepherd's Purse * -- Capsella bursa-pastoris
Silverrod -- Solidago bicolor
Silverweed -- Potentilla anserina
Skullcap, Mad-dog -- Scutellaria lateriflora
Skullcap, Marsh -- Scutellaria galericulata
Smartweed, Nodding -- Polygonum lapathifolium
Smartweed, Water (P.Amphibium) -- Polygonum amphibium
Smartweed, Water (P.Punctatum) -- Polygonum punctatum
Snakeroot, White -- Ageratina altissima
Snapdragon, Dwarf * -- Chaenorrhinum minus
Snowberry -- Symporicarpos albus
Snow-On-The-Mountain * -- Euphorbia marginata
Sow Thistle, Common * -- Sonchus oleraceus
Sow Thistle, Field * -- Sonchus arvensis
Sow Thistle, Spiny-Leaved * -- Sonchus asper
Spearment * -- Mentha spicata
Speedwell, Water * -- Veronica anagallis-aquatica
Spurge, Cypress * -- Euphorbia cyparissias
Spurge, Leafy * -- Euphorbia esula
Spurge, Petty * -- Euphorbia peplus
Spurge, Spotted* -- Chamaesyce maculata
Stickseed, Virginia -- Hackelia virginiana
Stitchwort, Lesser * -- Stellaria graminea
Stonecrop, Ditch -- Penthorum sedoides
Storksbill * -- Erodium cicutarium
Strawberry, Field -- Fragaria virginiana ssp.glauca
Strawberry, Woodland -- Fragaria vesca ssp. americana
Summer-Cypress * -- Kochia scoparia
Sunflower, Common * -- Helianthus annuus
Sunflower, Pale Leaved -- Helianthus strumosus
Sunflower, Thin-Leaved -- Helianthus decapetalus
Sunflower, Woodland -- Helianthus divaricatus
Swallowwort, White * -- Cynanchum vincetoxicum
Tansey * -- Tanacetum vulgare
Tea, Oswego -- Monarda didyma
Tearthumb, Arrow-Leaved -- Polygonum sagittatum
Teasel * -- Dipsacus fullonum ssp.sylvestris
Thistle, Bull * -- Cirsium vulgare
Thistle, Canada * -- Cirsium arvense
Thistle, Globe * -- Echinops sphaerocephalus
Thistle, Nodding * -- Carduus nutans
Thistle, Scotch * -- Onopordum acanthium
Tick-Trefoil, Large-Bracted -- Desmodium cuspidatum
Tick-Trefoil, Pointed-Leaved -- Desmodium glutinosum
Tick-Trefoil, Showy -- Desmodium canadense
Touch-Me-Not, Pale -- Impatiens pallida
Touch-Me-Not, Spotted -- Impatiens capensis
Trefoil, Birdsfoot * -- Lotus corniculatus
Trumpet Creeper -- Campsis radicans
Turtlehead -- Chelone glabra
Valerian, Garden * -- Valeriana officinalis
Vervain, Blue -- Verbena hastata
Vervain, Purpletop -- Berbena bonariensis
Vervain, White -- Verbena urticifolia
Vetch, Cow * -- Vicia cracca
Vetch, Crown * -- Coronilla varia
Vetch, Hairy * -- Vicia villosa
Vetch, Slender * -- Vicia tetrasperma
Violet, Canada -- Viola canadensis
Violet, Downy Yellow -- Viola pubescens
Virgin's Bower -- Clematis virginiana
Wallrocket * -- Diplotaxis muralis
Wall-Rocket, Narrow-Leaved * -- Diplotaxis tenuifolia
Water Lily, Sweet Scented -- Nymphaea odorata
Water Pepper -- Polygonum hydropiper
Water Plantain, Large -- Alisma plantago-aquatica
Willow Herb, Hairy * -- Epilobium hirsutum
Willow Herb, Purple-Leaved -- Epilobium coloratum
Willow Herb, Sparse-Flowered * -- Epilobium parviflorum
Wintergreen -- Gaultheria procumbens
Witch Hazel (Shrub) -- Hamamelis virginiana
Wood Sorrel, Yellow -- Oxalis stricta
Wormwood, Sweet * -- Artemisia annua
Yarrow * -- Achillea millefolium ssp.millefolium
Sunday, September 02, 2007
International Rock Flipping Day
I had not realized how few wild rocks were on our property. I think we will have to visit the Hamilton escarpment area if we want to move more rocks.
Well, we did not make it to another location; however, . . .

. . . and then I realized I had rocks in the house that could be flipped.

There are two more photos on my blog after the geode. See the link at the right.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
This is one of my new outdoor sculptures set up for my annual art show and sale coming up soon. Have a look at this site if you are interested: