Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Septimus - Sit Spot #1431 - July 23 2024

Septimus - our "little" male goat

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 5:20 p.m.

Sit 1431.    :   East Porch.   :    Sunny 

+27° (+32°)   S 12-18            49% humidity


House Wren, 

(Jet -  Cargojet Airways flight 2457...),

   (Hamilton - Calgary),

(Traffic Noises), 




12:05 a.m. -| Cloudy,

2:25 a.m.   -| Quiet,

5:25 a.m. - Bats,

6:03 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,

Morning Activities -

1km trail walk with Marigold,

Tried to work on east paddock fence,

   Driven out by mosquitoes,

Worked on trying to sort out computer,

   Desktop photo missing,

   External disk drives not showing,

      Got 2 disk drives working,

      Started making a new desktop photo,

Outside to try to work on east paddock fence,

   Got 3 more posts wired to new fence,

   Had to move one post,

   Cut off old fence to the corner,

Afternoon Activities,

Drove to Cambridge to collect filter

   for geothermal unit,

To Gretzky indoor track for 5 km walk,

30 minute nap in chair,

1 km evening walk with Fleur-Ange, Kingsley, & Marigold.

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