Monday, July 29, 2024

Mosquito Wear - Sit Spot #1437 - July 29, 2024

How many mosquitoes do you see?

Monday, July 29, 2024. 3:20 p.m.

Sit 1437     :      West Porch     :      Mostly Sunny 

+31° (+37°)      S 4-6 kph               70% humidity             

Mourning Dove,  

Carolina Wren, 

Field Sparrow, 

Red-tailed Hawk,


(11:35 p.m.) -

Crickets calling,

A few stars showing,

2:00 a.m. -

Crickets calling,

Crescent Moon bright in east,

A few stars showing,

4:10 a.m. -

Crickets calling,

Moon high in east,

Jupiter bright in east,

5:40 a.m. - Bats flying,

6:09 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,



Mourning Dove, 

Morning Activities -

Trail walk with Marigold,

Put on bug mask and raked more grass

   In east meadow,

Mowed the east meadow the 2nd time,

Worked on digital painting,

Afternoon Activities -

Got a text re hay delivery ($8.00/bale + $50 for delivery),

Cleaned up barn for the new hay,

Cut some branches from driveway

   to make it easier for the truck to come in,

Fleur-Ange called Jake from next door to ask for help

   moving the hay,

Hay arrived about 4:20 p.m.

Jake and one of his hired men did most of the heavy work

   and the hay was stacked in the barn by 4:50 p.m.

I moved only 3 or 4 bales before they took over,

The help was much appreciated as I was tired after

   the few bales that I moved,

Age and my health problems are really slowing me down,

Fleur-Ange & I took the dog around the west field after supper,

I made it only because of a bug hat,

The mosquitoes are really bad right now,

I did not take many photos today due to the mosquitoes,

Also did not do a flower & bird list during the walks.

 . . . Kitchen bird list later . . .

July 29 digital art

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