Monday, February 17, 2025
No Sit Spot Today
12:55 a.m. -| Quiet,
2:45 a.m. -|
4:00 a.m. -| Cloudy,
7:15 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -
Blue Jay,
Mourning Dove,
(Merlin App),
Morning Activities -
Made pancakes for breakfast,
Very short dog walk,
Yoga at Gretzky Sports Centre,
Afternoon Activities -
4 km walk on Gretzky indoor track,
Late lunch,
Worked on walk records on computer,
1 hr nap,
Snowshoed with Marigold around the east field,
(Finding it difficult to get my gaiters and snowshoes on),
Walking still difficult even with snowshoes,
Marigold got her lead tangled around my legs
and almost tripped me,
Collected our Blue Box from the ditch where
the wind had blown it,
Snow, over a metre deep in the ditch, made it
very challenging to get the box,
Read in “Stone Blind” until late supper,
No time for art project today.