Sunday, July 28, 2024

Collage - Sit Spot #1436 - July 28, 2024


Digital Collage & some Painting

Sunday, July 28, 2024 7:20 p.m.

Sit 1436     :      West Porch     :     Clear

+30° (+34°)      SW 9-13 kph        36% humidity 

Carolina Wren,


(Traffic Noises),

(Jet -  Delta Airlines flight 98...),

   (Cincinnati - Paris),

Mourning Dove,  




12:10 a.m. -| Crickets calling,

1:55 a.m.   -| Stars shining,

                  -| Bright moon,

4:35 a.m. -


Stars shining,

5:40 a.m. - Bats flying,

6:08 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -



Carolina Wren,

Mourning Dove, 

(Merlin App),


Black Squirrel, 


Morning Activities -

Made the usual Sunday morning crêpes,

Short, mosquito filled trail walk,

Cleaned workbench in basement,

Chose 2 bags full of garbage to throw out,

  Found my long lost poppyseed grinder,

Afternoon Activities -

Attempted to finish up raking grass in east meadow,

Heat & mosquitoes made finishing impossible,

Worked on digital collage & painting inside away from mosquitoes,

40 minute nap,

Drove to Brantford Gretzky indoor track,

   5 km walk on the track,

Still too many mosquitoes to work outside,

   Did I mention the heat? +30° (humidex +34°) at 7:40 p.m.

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