Friday, July 05, 2024

- - - Sit 1413 - July 5, 2024

View from Sit Spot Today

Friday, July 5, 2024. 1:25 p.m.

Sit 1413   :   Hamilton Waterfront Trail  : Cloudy

+27° (+30°) SE 6-9                               39% humidity


(Train - Switch engines),



(Large Motorboat),

(Roller Bladers),


12:05 a.m. -| Quiet,

2:45 a.m.   -| Stars shining,

                  -| Fireflies,

Sunrise Chorus -



House Wren,

Carolina Wren,

(Merlin app),


(Song Sparrow),

Morning Activities -

To RBG Herbarium for file work,

Afternoon Activities -

5 km walk on Hamilton Waterfront Trail,

Flowers Blooming:

Bergamot, Wild

Bindweed, Field *

Bindweed, Hedge

Bouncing Bet *

Bugloss, Viper's *

Burdock, Great *


Catnip *

Clover, White *

Clover, White Sweet *

Coneflower, Purple *

Crown-vetch, Purple *

Daisy, Oxeye *

Dandelion, Common *

Elder, Common

Evening Primrose, Common

Fleabane, Common

Galinsoga, Small-Flowered *


Hedge-Parsley, Upright *

Lily, Day *

Loosestrife, Purple *

Mallow, Common *

Medick, Black *

Milkweed, Common

Motherwort *

Mullein, Moth *

Nightshade, Bittersweet *

Pimpernel, Scarlet *

Plantain, English *

Queen Anne's Lace *

Raspberry, Purple-Flowering

Rocket, Dame's *

Rose, Rugosa *

Rush, Flowering *

Saint Johnswort, Common *


Snapdragon, Dwarf *

Sow Thistle, Field *

Stickseed, Virginia

Swallowwort *


Thistle, Bull *

Thistle, Canada *

Touch-Me-Not, Spotted

Wall-Rocket, Narrow-Leaved *

Wallrocket *

Water Lily, Sweet Scented

Yarrow, Common *

Short trail dog walk,

   Stopped early because

      1) it was raining,

      2) the goats jumped the fence

          and started following us down the trail

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

Red-winged Blackbirds,


Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 

White-breasted Nuthatch,


Carolina Wren,

House Wren,

Black Squirrel,

Grey Squirrel,

Red Squirrel.

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