Wednesday, July 10, 2024

1st Goldenrod Flower - Sit Spot #1418 - July 10, 2024


Early Goldenrod

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 7:50 p.m. m.
Sit 1418   :    East porch.  :   Cloudy
+21°(+25°)    E 14-20 kph    95% humidity


House Wren, 

Water dripping from trees,

(Traffic Noises), 

Tree Frogs,

Red Squirrel,


12:05 a.m. -| Quiet,

1:20 a.m.   -| Fireflies,

3:25 a.m.   -| Cloudy,

4:30 a.m. -



5:51 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Rain on roof,

Morning Activity

Plan B volunteer work

Afternoon Activities -

To Costco for shopping,

Short nap ended up being about 1.5 hours

   Obviously, very tired,

Attempted Trail Walk with Marigold,

   Started raining again,

   Goats jumped fence again and had to be rounded up,

Forgot to start watch for distance,

Only recorded a few flowers

New today was Early Goldenrod,


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