Meanwhile, out in the nearby fields . . .

Here is a closer look at some horseradish plants.

The first step in harvesting this root crop is to get rid of the tops. The tops are cut, shredded, and blown back onto the field.

Next, this large machine is pulled by another tractor over the rows. The roots are dug up, dirt shaken off, and then two individuals are doing something to the roots as the machine moves the roots to them. Maybe they are sorting? I really don't know.

They are then loaded into a truck or trailer and moved on to some unknown location. I think I need to follow both the soybeans and horseradish roots further along to see what happens next.
I hope you get your computer back soon. I'd been going through major withdrawals by now. It wouldn't be pretty.
The soybeans and horseradish harvest pics have been very lovely. Are those fields close to home?
I had no idea that horseradish was harvested on such a scale. The forage harvester used to chop off the leaves is much the same as the one we use for hay and corn.
Hope that computer comes back soon
Bet those guys handling the horseradish are wearing gloves. Always enjoy farm pictures.
I had no idea about how horseradish was grown or anything. Very interesting!! I'm not a big fan of horseradish though.
Thanks!! Always interesting to learn new things. r
I wonder if the workers are wearing eye protection. Cut or broken horseradish roots can really make your eyes water. Horseradish grows wild near the foundation of the old barn near my house. I love it with our traditional Christmas roast beast. It's fairly easy to prepare. Just grate and add vinegar, but don't inhale deeply over it.
Been enjoying your blog. Greetings from British Columbia.
Robin, Oct. 20 my computer is back, not soon enough. The fields were both within 25 km of home so not too far by car.
Threecollie, It's the biggest horseradish field that I know of in our area.
Linda K, Glad you liked the Ontario farm photos. I assume gloves but did not look that closely.
Rachel, Yes, I think I may have tried horseradish only once so I am not a fan of eating it either.
Mary Ann, Horseradish is listed in my wild flower book as an escape. I wonder what animal moves it.
Karen & Mike, Greeting to you from Ontario. I've had the joy of visiting BC several times and really like the ocean and mountains that you grow there!
If you would like to see horseradish on an even larger scale we can arrange for you to come out in the spring for pics or video and even show you storage and prep just contact me if interested
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