Project 365 - Photo 24 ________ Movement #5, originally uploaded to Flickr by Ontario Wanderer.
The artesian well on Sulfur Springs Road is a weekly stop as we get all of our drinking water from there. I keep looking for new ways to photograph the constant stream of fresh water here. Meanwhile, down the road about a kilometre, there is another running spring with Sulfur water that one can smell when driving by. It has a very powerful odour.
I'm not quite sure why, I think it is the contrast between the colours and texture of the water vs the tank but boy do I like this photo.
There is a spring near KC that was famous in its day for the different waters it could provide, depending on how deep it was drawn from. People would drink the stuff, but not much anymore.
We used to frequent such a spring for drinking water, but after the problems in Walkerton the city restricted access to it. It didn't seem to matter that we were 150km away (in Cambridge) from where they were having the trouble; but better safe than sorry, right?
Good water, though.
Thanks for your comment Kiggavik. Glad you liked the photo.
I have old post cards from a city with special springs in Mo. someplace in my collection but I did not know of any in KC.
Rory, Almost none of the local springs are open now. I knew the locations of at least 8 or 10 at one time and now only the one in the photo is still open. I hope it does not close!
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