Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wood Frog - Sot Spot #1487 - September 17, 2024

Found this Wood Frog in our Lawn

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 5:40 p.m.

Sit 1487    :   East Porch    :     Partly cloudy 

+26° (+30°)  NE 12-17 kph      51% humidity 

Red Squirrel,


(Traffic Noises), 

(Wind Chimes), 

Wind in trees,

Crickets  & other Insects calling, 

Blue Jay, 

Black Squirrel,

Mourning Dove, 



Crows cawing in distance,


(11:30 p.m.) -| Crickets  & other Insects calling,

1:05 a.m.     -| (Jupiter bright in east at 1:05)

3:00 a.m.     -| Moon very bright and stars shining,

7:03 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,

Blue Jay,

Morning Activities -

Made Pancakes for breakfast,

To gym,

   1 k treadmill warm up walk,

   4 k Treadmill run,

Bought new cylinder for Soda Stream,

Picked up meds for Fleur-Ange,

Afternoon Activities -

Worked on digital image,

Looked at videos re Drone that I bought

   quite a while ago and have not used yet,

I find the instructions quite confusing,

So far I have been able to fly it a bit

   but not figured out how to take photos,

1.5 km trail walk with Marigold

Did more work on the path around the circle garden,

1.1 km trail walk after supper with Fleur-Ange & Marigold,

7:40 p.m. - bats flying around our house,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

Blue Jay,


Mourning Dove, 

Carolina Wren,

Black Squirrel,

Grey Squirrel,

Red Squirrel.

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