Friday, September 20, 2024

Egret - Sit Spot #1490 - September 20, 2024

Great Egret

Friday, September 20, 2024 3:10 p.m.

Sit 1490    :     Waterfront Trail     :    Cloudy 

+23°(+27        E 11-17 kph.              69% humidity 

Waves lapping on shore,



(Sailboats in harbour),  




(Train Switch-engine),

Turkey Vulture overhead,


(11:20 p.m.) -| Moon shining brightly,

1:00 a.m.      -| (Jupiter bright in east at 1:00),

3:10 a.m.      -| Crickets  & other Insects calling,

                      -| (Castor & Pollux in Gemini - east at 3:10)

7:06 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Carolina Wren,

(Merlin App),

(White-throated Sparrow),

Morning Activities -

To RBG Herbarium for volunteer work in Herbarium,

To Doctor for appointment re blood pressure & dizziness,

    Blood pressure is not a real problem,

   Trying to reduce meds to sort out dizziness,

Afternoon Activities -

Wild flower walk at Princess Point

    and the Waterfront Trail,

(Over 50 blooming flowers to be added from notes)

1 km trail walk with Marigold in late afternoon,

1 km trail walk with Fleur-Ange & Marigold after supper,

More and more goldenrods, losing their colour and 

   turning brown for the last three or four days,

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