Sunday, September 22, 2024

Spider - Sit Spot 1492 - September 22, 2024

Micrathena Spider,

Sunday, September 22, 2024 3:45 p.m.

Sit 1492    :    Brush Pile W    :    Cloudy 

+23° (+28°)   SW 3-5 kph          81% humidity 

Insect calls,

Blue Jay,

Spring Peepers,

Red Squirrel,

(Jet -  Etihad Airways flight 76T...)

   (Chicago to Abu Dhabi),

Prop Plane,


(11:15 p.m.) -

Bright Moon with Shadows,

Crickets  & other Insects calling,

Cow mooing in distance,

Dog barking in distance,

1:20 a.m. -

Bright Moon with Shadows,

Jupiter high in east,

Crickets  & other Insects calling,

2:20 a.m. -

Moon Shadows,

Betelgeuse in east,

Crickets  & other Insects calling,

4:30 a.m. -

Moon Shadows,

Crickets  & other Insects calling,

7:08 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -



Carolina Wren,

Morning Activities -

Made the usual crepes for breakfast,

Started a long walk with Marigold on road

   but she did not want to go today,

   Kept sitting down or pulling back,

   So we came back after only 1.5. km

I downloaded the new operating system for the Mac

   and spent much of the late morning trying

   to figure it out via videos and experimentation,

Afternoon Activities -

More work on new operating systems

   Both iPhone and Mac have new systems,

Spent over an hour with more basement decluttering

   and some vacuuming,

Mowed some of the east trails and the east lawn,

Went on a 1.2 km trail walk with Marigold,

Arrow-leaved Aster,

Bird's-foot Trefoil,

Black-eyed Susan, 

Fall crocus,

Garden Phlox,

Heart-leaved Aster,

Lance-leaved Goldenrod, 

Mouse-ear Chickweed,

New England Aster, 

Panicled Aster,

Queen Anne's Lace,

Red Clover, 


Sweet Everlasting,

Tall Goldenrod,

Thin-leaved Coneflower,

Tomato plant,

White Clover, 

Zigzag goldenrod,



Cabbage White Butterflies,

Crickets calling, 

Micrathena Spider,

Sulphur Butterflies ,


Blue Jay,


Took down 3 of the cup plant clusters

   in the east meadow,

Made apple sauce for supper,

.7 km walk with Fleur-Ange & Marigold after supper,

Tall Blue Lettuce Seeds

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