Friday, August 30, 2024

Harbour - Sit Spot #1469 - August 30, 2024

Hamilton Harbour from Today's Sit Spot

Friday, August 30, 2024.  3:00 p.m.

Sit 1469    :   Hamilton Waterfront Trail    :   Mostly clear

+29° (34°)    S 11-16 kph                 50% humidity 

(Walkers walking by),

(Sailboats in harbour),

Waves lapping against the shore,

Gulls flying overhead  

(Bikers biking by),

(Runner running by) 


(10:45 p.m.) -| Stars shining,

12:00 a.m.    -| Crickets  & other Insects Calling,

2:00 a.m.      -| (Screech Owl in distance at 2:00),

3:25 a.m.      -|

6:43 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

All quiet this morning,

Morning Activities -

Volunteer work at RBG Herbarium,

Afternoon Activities -

Wild flower walk at Princess Point

   and Hamilton Waterfront Trail,

Blooming Flower seen:

Alyssum, Hoary *

Aster, Heath

Aster, New England

Aster, Smooth

Black-Eyed Susan

Bluestem, Big (Grass)

Bouncing Bet *

Bur Cucumber, One-Seeded

Butter-And-Eggs *

Buttercup, Tall *

Cardinal Flower

Chicory, Wild *

Clover, Red *

Coneflower, Tall

Crown-vetch, Purple *

Dandelion, Common *

Dodder, Swamp (Common)

Evening Primrose, Common

Fleabane, Daisy

Galinsoga, Small-Flowered *

Goldenrod, Canada

Goldenrod, Gray

Goldenrod, Lance-Leaved

Goldenrod, Tall

Grass, Indian

Groundsel, Sticky * (S.Ragwort)


Hog Peanut

Horehound, European *

Knapweed, Brown *

Knotgrass, Common *

Lettuce, Wild

Loosestrife, Purple *

Mallow, Common(Cheeses) *

Mullein, Moth *

Panicgrass, Old Switch aka Panicgrass

Pilewort (American Burnweed)

Queen Anne's Lace *

Ragweed, Common


Smartweed, Pale or Nodding

Smartweed, Water

Snowberry (Thin-leaved Snowberry)

Sow Thistle, Field *

Sunflower, Woodland

Tansy *

Thistle, Bull *

Thistle, Canada *

Tick-Trefoil, Panicled

Tick-Trefoil, Showy (Canada)

Touch-Me-Not, Spotted

Trefoil, Birdsfoot *

Vervain, Blue

Vervain, White

Vetch, Cow * (Tufted V.)

Wall-Rocket, Narrow-Leaved *

Water Lily, Sweet Scented

Wormwood Species

Sit Spot @ Waterfront Trail,

2 km Trail walk with Marigold,

Planted the young Rugosa Roses

   that we raised from seed last winter,

Took 2 items from basement to the road

   hoping someone will want and take them,

Cardinal Flower

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