Saturday, August 10, 2024

Digital Art - Sit Spot #1449 - August 10, 2024

August 10 Digital Art

Saturday, August 10, 2024 4:20 p.m.

Sit 1449    :    East Porch    :    Cloudy 

+22° (+24°)   W 20-30 kph      49% humidity 

Wind in trees  

(Wind Chimes), 


(Traffic Noises),

Fall Web Worms in Walnut Tree




12:00 a.m. -

Crickets & other Insects Calling,

(Traffic Noises),


1:25 a.m. -

Crickets  & other Insects Calling,

Some stars shining,

3:20 a.m. -

Crickets  & other Insects Calling,

Jupiter bright in easters sky,

5:50 a.m. - Bats flying,

6:21 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -



Carolina Wren,

Morning Activities -

5 km walk with “Run” Group & Marigold,

Worked on Digital art,

Watched rerun of men’s Olympic Marathon,

Afternoon Activities -

Quirks & Quarks on CBC,

1.8 km trail walk with Marigold,

Flowers seen along the trails:

    Aster, Arrow-Leaved

    Aster, New England

    Aster, Upland White

    Black-Eyed Susan

    Buttercup, Tall *

    Catnip *

    Celandine *

    Cinquefoil, Silvery *

    Clover, Alsike *

    Clover, Red *

    Clover, White *

    Clover, White Sweet *

    Coneflower, Cutleaf (Outhouse Plant)

    Coneflower, Gray-Headed

    Coneflower, Purple *

    Coneflower, Tall

    Coneflower, Thin-Leaved *

    Coreopsis, Lance-leaved

    Coreopsis, Tall

    Culver's Root

    Cup Plant

    Dandelion, Common *

    Evening Primrose, Common

    Fleabane, Daisy

    Goldenrod, Canada

    Goldenrod, Early

    Goldenrod, Lance-Leaved

    Goldenrod, Upland White

    Ground Cherry, Clammy



    Joe-Pye Weed

    Knotweed, Virginia (Jumpseed)

    Live-Forever *

    Lobelia, Great

    Mountain Mint, Virginia

    Nightshade, Eastern Black

    Plantain, English *

    Queen Anne's Lace *

    Saint Johnswort, Common *

    Saint Johnswort, Shrubby*

    Sow Thistle, Field *

    Spiderwort *

    Strawberry, Indian * (Mock S.)

    Tea, Oswego

    Thistle, Bull *

    Touch-Me-Not, Spotted

    Trefoil, Bird's-foot *

    Trumpet Creeper

    Vervain, Blue

    Vervain, White

    Vetch, Cow * (Tufted V.)

    Willow Herb, Purple-Veined (P-leaved)

    Wood Sorrel, Yellow

    Yarrow, Common *

In the gardens:

       Campion, Rose (gdn)

       Daylily (gdn)

       Hosta (gdn)

       Marigold (gdn)

       Marjoram (gdn)

       Petunia (gdn)

       Rose of Sharon (gdn)

       Stonecrop, Two-row (Dragon's Blood)(gdn)

       Strawberry, Everbearing (gdn)

       Thistle, Globe (gdn)

       Zinnnia (gdn)


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