The west winds are not all bad. Yesterday they helped blow me all the way from Brantford to Ancaster on our weekly long run. I am getting ready for another half-marathon run in early March but am training with runners getting ready for a 35 km run at the end of March so yesterday we ran, walked, ran, walked, ran for 26 kilometres with the winds at our backs and then had some drivers come and pick us up. It was my longest run in the last 15 years. Some days I think about running another marathon but yesterday was not one of those days. I was very glad to see the end of the 26 km and know that I did not have another 16 to do.
Nice shot of the frozen waterfall. I love seeing waterfalls or rapids when they become frozen solid like that. However, it's very weird to walk up near one and feel the warmth practically being sucked out of you by the ice. A little scary!
A few years ago, Églantine and I climbed behind these falls for some photos. I did not feel that it was safe this time and Églantine was not able to climb down the icy steps so I missed out on the more interesting photos.
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