Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lots of Blooms - So Little Blogging

            As usual, I think of blogging everyday and don't take the time to actually do any. Following are some of the flowers, and other things, that I have put up on other platforms in the last week or two.

Canada Sanicle
aka Canada Black-snakeroot
aka Short-styled Snakeroot (Newcomb's WF Guide)
Sanicle du Canada
(Sanicula canadensis)
Found on the Grand Valley Trail near Hardy Road
in Brantford, Ontario
July 8, 2019.

Wolf Milk Slime Mold
Lait de Loup
(Lycogala epidendrum)
Found on an old log
in the RBG's Hendrie Valley, Hamilton, Ontario
July 12, 2019.

Wild Yam
Igname Velue
(Dioscorea villosa)

Female flowers on a female vine
found in RBG's Hendrie Valley
on the left.

Male flowers on a male vine
found in RBG's Capt. Cootes' Trail
in the wilderness section of the Arboretum
Hamilton, Ontario
on the right side of the photo;
July 12, 2019.

Pale Jewelweed
aka Pale Touch-me-not
Impatiente Pâle
(Impatiens pallida)
found in the RBG's Hendrie Valley Trails
Hamilton, Ontario
July 19, 2019.

Hoary Alyssum
Berteroa Blanc
(Berteroa incana)
found on the outer "wild" edge
of the RBG's Rose Garden 
on July 19, 2019.

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