Saturday, May 18, 2019

False Mermaid

            One flower that I look for every spring is called "False Mermaid". I found the plant in flower last Friday but did not get a wonderful photo. Nevertheless, here is the photo:

            OK, it is two photos. I did a close up of the flower as it is so small and then added it to the photo of the plant. Because of the lighting, I did not get good colours of the tiny white petals. In the close up the yellowish petal pointing down and left is one of the "white" petals and the others just look green like the sepals. Walter Muma has some better photos on his wild flower site:

            While looking for more information on the plant I found an excellent drawing of it on the Flora of North America site:

            The one bit of information that I was really looking for, on the internet and in the books on my shelves, I never did find. 

            Why did the flower get this name? If anyone has any information on this, please pass it along.

            I found, in my searching for information on this plant, that I had written about it one time before on this blog. . . . back on December 16, 2006:

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