First Fireplace Fire of the Season
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
It's getting cooler in our house. Down to 16 C (61 F) this morning. Since it was dark and raining most of the morning it felt even cooler so the fireplace seemed to be calling for some fire to help us warm up a bit.
Meanwhile, yesterday, I heard lots of Eastern Meadowlarks in song. I don't know why they were singing unless it was a call to join in for migration time.
Jeepers! We were down to near zero last night! We had a fire last week. Bundle up!
yup. I pulled down my Hudson's Bay blanket...
Hi Jenn, Hi Kati,
Hard to believe that I only got your comments from October 3 read, posted and replied to in January but so it goes. Thanks for the comments and I shall try to do better this next year! (It would be difficult to do worse.)
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