Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunrise - Sit Spot 1526 - October 27, 2024


Sunday, October 27, 2024 3:00 p.m.  

Sit 1526    :    East porch   :    Partly cloudy 

+12° (+10°)   W 17-26 kph     40% humidity 


(Traffic Noises), 

(Wind Chimes), 


White-breasted Nuthatch, 

Black Squirrel,

Blue Jay, 

Mourning Dove,  


(Chainsaw in distance),

Sulphur Butterfly,


1:15 a.m. -| Very Quiet,

4:15 a.m. -| Many Stars shining,

7:50 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Carolina Wren,

Morning Activities -

.9 km Trail walk with Marigold, 

To Home Depot for light bulbs & fence staples,

   Very difficult to get help,

Afternoon Activities - 

Attempting to fix fences to keep goats in,

   Some ideas not working,

Tried pounding in short stakes

   but they either broke, pulled out easily or split,

(Goats went under the fence while I was working on it),

(I put them in their stall for the rest of the afternoon),

Tried stapling to logs,

Ran out of logs that I could move,

   Decided to bring in some tree parts from

      the front forest cuttings . . . tomorrow,

Took 1.2 km Trail walk with Marigold 

   around the west field but barely made it 

      around as I was so tired,

Slept in easy chair for an hour or so,

Worked on Post Card Exchange project,

.9 km Trail walk with Fleur-Ange &

     Marigold after supper,

From my 2002 Sketchbook
Jack-in-the-Pulpit seeds in late summer

Saturday, October 26, 2024

- - - - Sit Spot #1525 - October 26, 2024

Our Animals
in Our Neighbour's Field

Saturday, October 26, 2024 2:00 p.m.

Sit 1525.  :    East porch.   :    Partly cloudy 

+11° (+8°)    NW 21-33 kph   53% humidity 

(Wind Chimes), 

(Traffic Noises), 

(Chainsaw in distance),


Blue Jay, 

White-breasted Nuthatch, 




(11:50 p.m.)  -| Quiet,

1:25 a.m.       -| Bright stars,

4:15 a.m.       -| Few clouds,

7:48 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Blue Jay,

Carolina Wren, 

Morning Activities - 

Took Fleur-Ange to train station,

5 km walk with Marigold & Donna,

    Run group at Niagara run this weekend,

Wasted time on "instructional" computer videos,

Afternoon Activities -

Quirks & Quarks on CBC,

Clothes washing,

Cut arm load of Cattails out of west pond,

   Still very muddy but no standing water,

Planted new Crocus bulbs,

Started Dog Walk,

Found Leroy & goats in neighbours field,

Called animals to barn and locked up the goats,

Checked to see how they got out and 

   found the fence down,

Moved Leroy to west paddock,

Finished Trail walk with Marigold,

Made quiche for supper,

Collected Fleur-Ange from train station - train late,

Did a very short Trail walk with Fleur-Ange & Marigold

    after supper,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

Blue Jay,



Mourning Dove, 


Downy Woodpecker,


Friday, October 25, 2024

Art - Sit Spot #1524 - October 25, 2024


Friday, October 25, 2024 4:50 p.m.

Sit 1524   :    East porch    :    Cloudy 

+13° (+12°)   S. 9-13 kph       74% humidity 




(Traffic Noises), 

White-breasted Nuthatch, 


Downy Woodpecker,



(10:35 p.m.) -



12:55 a.m. -


Moon just up,

Stars shining,

2:30 a.m. -


Moon showing through clouds,

4:20 a.m. -



7:47 Sunrise -

On the Road again,

Morning Activities -

Collected specimens of Magnolias in Arboretum

   for the herbarium,

Early lunch,

Afternoon Activities -

4 km walk on Hamilton Waterfront Trail,

Blooming Flowers:


Evening Primrose,

Field Sow-thistle,

Hedge Bindweed,

Hoary Alyssum,


New England Aster,

Panicled Aster,

Queen Anne's Lace,

Small -Flowered Galinsoga,


Spiny-leaved Sow-thistle  

Spotted Touch-me-not,

Sticky Groundsel,

Tall Goldenrod, 

Water Smartweed,

Rain started half way through the walk,

2 km Trail walk with Marigold at home,

1.2 km Trail walk with Marigold just before supper,

Worked on art on computer,

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Art - Sit Spot #1523 - October 24, 2024


Thursday, October 24, 2024 4:20 p.m.

Sit 1523   :    East porch   :    Clear

+13° (+13°)  W 7-10 kph       43% humidity 

Carolina Wren,


Grey Squirrel,

Blue Jay, 

(Traffic Noises), 

White-breasted Nuthatch, 


(10:50 p.m.) -| Quiet,

12:50 a.m.    -| (Moon from 12:50 onward),

2:30 a.m.      -|

3:55 a.m.      -| Stars shining,

7:46 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Blue Jay,

Carolina Wren,

(Merlin App),

(White-throated Sparrow),

Morning Activities -

.9 km Trail walk with Marigold,

To Gym,

   5 km on recumbent bicycle,

   2 km on treadmill

Stopped at Shoppers Drug Mart for some food,

Afternoon Activities -

Afternoon nap,

Tried to set up Mint Speakers for Fleur-Ange

   Didn’t work,

1.5 km Trail walk with Marigold,

Did not see any wild flowers in bloom,

Some garden plants still blooming:



Edging Lobelias,


Witch Hazel,


Cleaned up plants from near old chicken house,

Chopped down and cleaned circle garden

   In south lawn,

Made scrambled eggs for supper,

.9 km Trail walk with Fleur-Ange & Marigold,