At the other extream of soil, in sunny, dry, sandy, hot railway banks, there grows the Hairy Beardtongue.

And for those of you that might not know, Poison Ivy too has a flower. Sorry this photo is not too sharp but the plants are just beginning to bloom and I was not willing to crawl into the middle of the patch for this photo. I'll try for a better photo when I can find a plant in bloom next to the path.

Very impressive!
I love the iris and the hairy beardtongue but ----- Those poison ivy blossoms - not for me!
I've read that global warming is going to be a boon to poison ivy, causing it to grow more lushly and spread more widely. I have the conceit that I am fairly immune to poison ivy, but I think it is more likely that I am good at identifying it and avoiding it.
Nice pix, as always.
Oh my, wild irises and hairy beardtongues, what gorgous jewels in the woodland green they are! I can do without the poison ivy though.
I love your photo of the hairy beardtongue. Have always loved penstemons -- they're one of the best perennials in gardens and so many to choose from when thinking of what to plant. But I especially love the name: beardtongue for the image it evokes in my mind: a bearded tongue ... kissing that? heheh.
re: poison ivy, we're lucky it does not grow in Montana -- at least east of the divide. There might be a little poison ivy in the extreme western part of Montana. We visit friends in southern Oregon and northern California frequently -- and have to watch out for poison oak, which you probably know, is in the same family, Rhus (sumac) and has the same active poison, urushiol.
When I was little, I remember helping my parents clear a 2 acre site so Dad could build a house for our family. The whole family helped clear out the smaller trees and all of the underbrush. It was dense! And lots of poison ivy. I got a really bad rash from burning the slash piles.
Endment, I still want a better photo of the Poison Ivy.
Jimmy, We found Blue Flag last evening in a nearby swamp area.
Pablo, I have pulled out Poison Ivy by the roots in my youth. It was growing in the cracks of the sidewalk at a camp swimming pool. I never got a rash at the time but bave had a reaction twice since even though I've walked through it thousands of times.
Kerrdelune, Thanks!
Ravengrrl, Burning Poison Ivy is one of the worst ways to deal with it.
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