This rabbit was one of several that we saw at dawn and dusk from the dining room window.

The snail was one of several that lived in the old, wild, overgrown, walled garden.

Églantine wanted to be with the tree in this photo.

There were many wild Red Campions growing in the area.

We kept trying to get a good sheep photo. Dark faces with light bodies made it difficult to get good shots.

We were told that this was Tormentil.

This spider was showing off its spinnerets.

This was one group of mushrooms, of many, that caught my eye.

I believe this is Red Hemp-Nettle. We saw over 50 species of wild flowers on our walks but did not establish names for all of them. If I have time, (ha, ha) I shall go through our old and new British wild flower books and try to put more names to those for which we have photos, later.
That tree is a beauty. Any idea what kind it is?
P, Sorry, I don't know what kind of tree it was and, not only that, the grounds were full of foreign trees as one of the owners had made a collection of trees. There were trees from all over the world.
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