Trying to clean a barn is an unending project even without animals in the barn. There is so much "stuff" in the barn and the loft that dust and dirt seem to always be collecting in corners and on the floor. In spite of that, art is now showing up on the walls. Of course when one hammers a nail into the barn boards, dust springs out and dirt falls down so one can always clean some more. Anyway, below are three photos of the results of the art hanging progress.

Diane's wall of art is above.

These are the stall corners in which Rashné's art was hung.
More photos will follow tomorrow...
You know, it appears that you have whitewashed a barn. That could be an indication of having too much time on your hands.
The show looks great! It's such a lovely thing to do, to show the art by yourself and friends and make such a happy occasion of it. I took a look at the photos on your other site - such a cornucopia of ideas, energy and talent.
A, Actually its paint instead of whitewash and it does look better than s#%& brown. I think it was time well spent.
SGJ, Thanks for your lovely words. It is fun, as well as work, and we enjoy sharing what we see and do.
ow, i PREsume that you me "boring" brown ; )
IMHO, I did not mind the weathered-grey wood, but I must admit that with the white paint, the barn looked brighter, and set off the art works gloriously!
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