Following are a few more general photos of the art sale set up in our barn.

After painting the inside barn boards white, I added gravel to the dirt floor to lighten up the area even more.

Rather than move the fireplace wood, we just placed paintings in front of it.

I was pleased that my daughter, Danielle, brought some of her excellent photos for the art show.

Although the photo is small, you can see some of my mobiles, paintings and photos as well as larger paintings by Églantine. They are on, and hanging from, my "new" table.

We were lucky to be visited and entertained by Jean St.Pierre, his guitar, and Quebec maple syrup during the second day of our sale. (OK, the maple syrup was not particularly entertaining but it is an excellent product.)
I know what you mean, I feel that way sometimes after a show too. :)
Looks like a lot of fun - if I lived closer I'd definitely have come!
I love the way the barn looked and the feel of the art in there. I would have definitely stopped by as well.
Every year in Santa Cruz, CA the artists do a 3 weekend show called Open Studios. Artists open their home studios to visitors. The entire city particpates, signs are posted where art can be seen. It is really a great way to show art and the process. Your barn would have fit right in.
You've got a sweet little place there. I would have enjoyed looking in the nooks for the smaller pictures while listening to live music.
R, It was fun and it would have been great to have you stop in. If you ever get up this way you are invited to come stay with us for a bit. We have a guest room and always have art about the house regardless of show time or not.
RD, The invitation above goes for you and your partner too. Thanks for you note!
L, Thank you, I am thinking of putting photos of some of the art that did not sell on one of the web sites. I'll post a note on the blog if and when it happens.
please do :)
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