Friday, September 27, 2024

Waves - Sit Spot 1497 - September 27, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024. 2:55 p.m 

Sit 1497    :    Waterfront Trail     :    Light clouds 

+22° (+24°)   NE 19-29 kph             65% humidity 


Waves crashing against shore  


12:05 a.m. -| Crickets  & other Insects calling,

2:55 a.m.   -| Cloudy,

                   -| (Moon peeking through clouds at 2:55),

7:14 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,



Blue Jay,

(Merlin App),

Song Sparrow,

Least Flycatcher,

Morning Activities -

Volunteer work at RBG Herbarium,

Afternoon Activities -

2.8 km RBG Arboretum flower walk,

Aster, Arrow-Leaved

Aster, Azure (Sky Blue)

Aster, Calico (Starved)

Aster, Heart-Leaved

Aster, New England

Aster, Panicled

Aster, Smooth

Beggar Tick

Bindweed, Hedge (Hedge False Bindweed)

Bouncing Bet *

Bur-Marigold, Nodding

Catnip *

Chickweed, Mouse-Ear *

Chicory, Wild *

Clover, White *

Dandelion, Common *

Evening Primrose, Common

Galinsoga, Small-Flowered *

Goldenrod, Blue-Stemmed

Goldenrod, Tall

Goldenrod, Zigzag

Groundsel, Sticky * (S.Ragwort)

Hedge-Parsley, Upright *

Mayweed *

Mullein, Moth *

Pink, Deptford *

Plantain, English *

Queen Anne's Lace *

Smartweed, Water

Snakeroot, White

Snowberry (Thin-leaved Snowberry)

Sow Thistle, Spiny-Leaved *

Tansy *

Touch-Me-Not, Spotted

Wallrocket *

Witch-hazel, American

Wood Sorrel, Yellow

3.9 km Hamilton Waterfront walk & sit spot,

1.3 km Trail walk with Marigold at home,

Supper on my own as Fleur-Ange at Stratford again,

.8 km After supper walk with Marigold,

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