Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cohosh - Sit Spot #1485 - September 15, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024 5:30 p.m.

Sit 1485    :   Screen Tent    :    Sunny 

+25° (+31°)  E 7-11 kph           65% humidity 



Grey Squirrel, 


(Traffic Noises), 


Walnut leaflets falling,

Crickets  & other Insects calling, 

Squirrel chattering,


Blue Jay,

Black Squirrel, 


12:20 a.m. -| Stars shining,

2:00 a.m.   -| (Jupiter high in east at 2:00)

4:35 a.m.   -| Crickets  & other Insects calling,

7:01 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,

Blue Jay,

Squirrel chattering

Morning Activities -

Septimus was standing this a.m.

Then lying down again,

Ryan helped with the needle this a.m.,

Made Crêpes for breakfast,

.5 km trail walk with Marigold 

Weeded around the circle Garden,

 Still more than half to do,

Afternoon Activities - 

Worked on background for digital image,

Did some trail maintenance on East trail,

Cleaned more in the basement,

    Can't remember buying all the art supplies 

       that I am finding,

4 km road walk,

Sit Spot & resting in screen tent,

1 km Trail Walk with Marigold,

Ryan over for p.m. needle for Septimus,

   Septimus was on his feet again this evening,

Thicket Creeper Fall Colours

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