Thursday, September 12, 2024

Old Painting - Sit Spot #1482 - September 12, 2024

Ink & Acrylic (2000)

Thursday, September 12, 2024 7:35 p.m.

Sit 1482    :    Screen Tent    :    Clear 

+23° (+27°)   E 10-15 kph        69% humidity 

Many Crickets  & other Insects calling, 

(Traffic Noises), 

Mosquitoes in & outside Screen Tent 


(10:55 p.m.) -| Crickets  & other Insects Calling,

12:45 a.m.    -|

2:25 a.m.      -| Cloudy

4:25 a.m. -

Crickets  & other Insects Calling,

Stars shining,

6:57 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Carolina Wren,


Morning Activities -

1 km Trail Walk with Marigold,

To Brantford for Eye Exam,

   Cannot get better vision,

   Again recommending cataract surgery,

   I said no again,

Afternoon Activities -

Worked at cleaning out more items from basement,

Vet here re Septimas

    He appears to have a cold virus of some sort,

   Was given some needles to relieve pain and to avoid other problems,

   Needs to have 2 needles a day for 3 days,

   (I asked Nancy to help and she agreed - great neighbour!)

5.3 km road walk on my own,

1.4 km trail walk with Marigold,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

Blue Jay,



Mourning Dove, 


Rose-breasted Grosbeak,

White-breasted Nuthatch,

Downy Woodpecker,

Carolina Wren,

Black Squirrel,

Grey Squirrel,

Red Squirrel.

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