Thursday, August 08, 2024

Digital Art - Sit Spot #1447 - August 8, 2024

August 8 Digital Art

Thursday, August 8, 2024 6:05 p.m.

Sit 1447    :     East Porch    :     Cloudy 

+24° (+30°)     E 7-11 kph.        76% humidity 

(Traffic Noises), 


Grey Squirrel, 


(10:50 p.m.) -|

12:00 a.m.    -| Crickets Calling,

1:10 a.m.      -| Stars shining,

2:20 a.m.      -| (House alarm in distance at 2:20)

3:30 a.m.      -| (Jupiter bright in east at 3:30)

5:55 a.m. - Bats flying,

6:19 Sunrise Chorus -




(Merlin App),


(Blue Jay),

Morning Activities -

Downloaded photos from iPhone to iMac for Fleur-Ange,

Short trail walk with Marigold,

To Gretzky indoor track,

   Walked just over 6 k this  morning,

   (I didn’t expect to walk this afternoon due to

      Dentist visit),

Afternoon Activities -

Worked on Digital painting,

To Dentist for a tooth extraction,

   “Laughing Gas” - I did’t laugh,

   Took an Advil in p.m. to try to east pain,

   Still waiting, an hour later, for pain to subside,

Did sit spot with fan blowing on me,

   Fewer mosquitoes but hard to hear birds,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

Blue Jay,

Blue Birds,




Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 

White-Breasted Nuthatch,

Chipping Sparrow,

Downy Woodpecker,

Red-Bellied Woodpecker,

Carolina Wren,

Black Squirrel,

Grey Squirrel,

Red Squirrel.

Deep Purple Tomatoes
at Plan B Organic Farm

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