Thursday, August 01, 2024

August 1st Digital Painting

Thursday, August 1, 2024 7:45 p.m.

Sit 1440     :      East Porch     :     Hazy clouds 

+28° (+39°)      NE 4-5 kph.         78% humidity 

Mosquitoes, Mosquitoes, Mosquitoes, 

Carolina Wren, 

Blue Jay, 

(Traffic Noises), 

Again, 5 min. sit due to Mosquitoes, 

Almost did not make the 5 minutes,

Too many Mosquitoes for me to write notes,


(11:30 p.m.) -| Quiet,

1:10 a.m.      -| Faint stars showing,

3:50 a,m,      -| (Jupiter at 3:50),

5:40 a.m. - Bats flying,

6:12 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -




Carolina Wren,

Morning Activities -

Made waffles for breakfast 

   with peaches & Maple Syrup,

Short trail walk with Marigold,

To Gretzky gym,

   1 km Treadmill walk,

   4 km treadmill run - 10:44 pace

      R/w/r   30/60/30

BulkBarn shopping,

Bought gas for mower,

Afternoon Activities -

Worked on digital painting,

   Still having difficulty with masks in Fresco,

Short nap,

2nd injection for cancer,

   This time from a travelling nurse,

   Next injection is in January,

Attempted a short walk with Marigold

   But neither of us could stand the heat nor


Tried again after supper but cut it short again,

   When will this summer be over?

Tried to list some flowers today but could not see

   Through the mask well enough to see blooms,

Kitchen bird list to follow sometime  . . . 

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