Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Crab Spider - Sit Spot #1460 - August 21, 2024

Crab Spider 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 5:15 p.m.

Sit 1460    :     Screen Tent    :     Mostly Clear 

+20° (+20°)    N 15-22 kph.        45% humidity 


(Traffic Noises), 

Blue Jay, 


2:05 a.m. -

Crickets calling,

Moon Shadows,

Aldebaran shining through east trees,

6:33 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Carolina Wren,


Morning Activities -

Volunteering  at Plan B Organic Farm,

Afternoon Activities -

Long nap,

2.2 km trail walk with Marigold & Mosquitoes

   Started without mask but

      Had to come back for it as mosquitoes were dreadful,

   Flower list not processed yet,

Worked on digital background for old sketch,

   Not finished,

Helped Fleur-Ange get a movie she wanted

   on the internet,

Library card did to work and we had to rent it on You Tube,

   Spent a lot of time trying to sort this out

      with the library but neither we nor they could

      understand why my card was not working for the movie,

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