Below is yesterday's sunrise photo. It was -2 C (28 F)yesterday morning with the temperature rising slowly all day and all night.

This morning the sky went from black to grey with no colour in between but the sun did shine off and on during the morning. Below is a photo of the melting ice from our east pond.

Other discoveries of the day...

a rich, brown, old, shelf fungus,

a black raspberry leaf that is going to freeze,

and a tiny, 1 mm (0.04 in.), brown spider on the wall. Why was it not frozen?
Great pictures. I have really enjoyed reading your blog.
Too bad the spider didn't freeze! It was so warm here today I sat on the front porch for a good while. Really nice, in the 60's.
Gorgeous photos! What a lovely sunrise. I love the subtle colouring in the pond photo and the brilliant touch of sunlight on the plants at the lower right. I always enjoy your blog - thank you!
Hm. . .2 celebrations tomorrow? A 7 month blogging anniversary and . . .? What else could it be?
per temps? I just figured our average for the first 20 days of '06 to be 51.5 F. Almanac says to expect Jan average of 24F.
Probably won't be hearing from me in the next 11 days, as I will be busy feeding the fire non-stop.
Happy Birthday, Dean. (kr you were right.) Wish I knew more about blogging so I could post your photo. Though the following info may make it available to those who care to wander over to flickr.
E - Let's see if I've got this right. He wanders, and he dances? Oh my.
kr, nah, he doesnot dance. Whenever dancing is mentionned OW becomes an immovable mountain!~)
Dean-- it was your birthday and you didn't tell us? Hope you had a fantastic day! Happy birthday.
The photos are beautiful. Wonderful sunrise. Ours have been ranging from very subtle to no color at all. But the days are getting longer.
I linked to one of your other posts about no snow and warm temps. We are living in interesting times.
threecollie, Thanks! I just added your blog to my bloglines feed.
rachel, I take it you don't like spiders.
pam, Thank you for your note.
kr, I do hope the cold weather arrives but I am not holding my breath. Thank for the anniversary note.
Églantine, How can I hide from your camera?
kr & Églantine, How did dancing get into this conversation?
RD & DPR, Thank you! I really was not planning on advertising my birthday but someone else obviously was.
I love the shelf fungus very much :)
And Happy Birthday to you!
I had the same question when I came across a spider walking in the snow. In November we had our first snowfall overnight and so I took off for a walk with the dog. The spider seemed to be caught unawares as he was very slowly reaching the other side of the road, as though he had been out at a friend's house and didn't make it home the night before due to the bad weather. But I wondered how he could have made it so far over blankets of snow. ( I wound up tucking him under the cedar hedge under leaf debris and left him to his chances.)
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