We have no snow left at home, but there were drifts across the trails at Highland Nordic near Duntroon, Ontario.

Sharp eyed Églantine saw these lichens growing on the side of a tree. I could not see them, at first, even when she pointed them out. She did the photography for these as I seemed to be semi blind from the bright snow.

Later, I did find these tracks in the snow that appealed to my sense of design. I am not sure what animal made the tracks. Églantine suggested a mouse. I was thinking of something larger like a chipmunk that had come out early. Any ideas?

That snow is lovely, love the drifts! (since I haven't seen any of those in a long time in person!) Barely have seen any snow this year so far.
Love the tracks too. I have no idea what made them.
Such a beautiful sunrise. Love the snow too. Looks like you had a fine ski journey. How far did you travel to get to the snow?
R, We've seen very few drifts since December.
RD, We were on the bus for about 2 hours going north. I am not sure what the distance was.
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