There was a bit of magnification. Perhaps less will help your perception?

You've had your first two guesses. One more clue before all is revealed....

I found this one climbing a rope near a tree. It was probably the fact that I turned the photo 90 degrees that threw you off.

That's right, it's our friend of summer the "heat bug" also known as "cicada" or "harvestfly" or "locust." Apparently there are many species of these insects but one needs to be an expert to sort them out. I'm not an expert. I didn't even realize, until today, that there were so many different kinds: periodical cicada, 13 year cicada, dogday cicada, orchard cicada, and others without English names.
Although I don't know their respective names, the cicadas here in New England are definitely different from the ones I grew up with back in the Midwest. When I was in Ohio this past week, I kept marvelling at how LOUD the cicadas were. After a dozen years living out East where the cicadas are subdued, I'd forgotten how much of a racket they make in Ohio.
Those are very cool photos indeed.
That cicada has an amazing eye.
They are droning on outside my window right now and what's funny is I didn't notice them buzzing until I read your post. I think I had tuned them out. Great photos!
Pretty neat close up. My dog carries those around in her mouth. She won't eat them, just likes the noise I guess.
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