We were excited when we found the Black Swallowtail Caterpillar so imagine how we felt when we realized we had a Giant Swallowtail Caterpillar too. By the time two more days had passed we realized we had at least five Giant Swallowtail Caterpillars. We are looking for more. They are supposed to be rare in our area.

Below are some close ups of some of the patterns on the caterpillars.

Is that last (closest) photo with digital or optical zoom?
Such a good disguise. What self-respecting bird would be seen eating that)?
One of those camouflages that resembles... bird doo. Great pictures, though.
I had not heard about bird doo camouflage, but that sure explains the look of this critter.
P, Answer coming later....
S4M, L, RD,
Yes, at first glance it is not too pleasant, but look closer at all the neat patterns, etc. (Not that I was tempted to eat it either....)
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