Thursday, October 10, 2024

Painting - Sit Spot #1509 - October 10, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024 9:50 a.m.   

Sit 1509    :   East Porch. :  Clear & Sunny 

+2° (+1°)      NW 3-5 kph   93% humidity 

Blue Jay,

Grey Squirrel,


White-breasted Nuthatch,


(11:30 p.m.) -| Quiet,

12:45 a.m.    -|

3:00 a.m.      -| Stars shining,

4:10 a.m.      -| (Some clouds at 3:00 & 4:10)

7:29 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Carolina Wren,

White-breasted Nuthatch,

(Merlin App),

(White-throated Sparrow),

Morning Activities - 

.6 km Trail walk with Marigold,

Sorted out pages & pages of 

   wildflower records,

   2019 to 2024, & put them 

   into a notebook,

Afternoon Activities - 

I  took Marigold for a longer walk and

   found 2 new Giant Puffball Mushrooms,

Blooming flowers:

    Arrow-leaved Aster,

    Bird's-foot Trefoil,


    Frost Aster,

    Garden Phlox,


    New England Aster,

    Panicled Aster,


    Queen Anne's Lace,

    Sweet Everlasting,

    Tall Goldenrod, 

    Thin-leaved Coneflower,

    Witch Hazel,

    Yellow Wood Sorrel,

    Zigzag Goldenrod,


    Cabbage White Butterfly,

    Crickets  & other Insects calling,     

    Sulphur Butterfly,

    Blue Jay, 

    White-throated Sparrow, 

Cleaned out about half of the main 

   flower garden west of the driveway,

After supper 1 km Trail walk with Marigold

   and found 4 more Giant Puffballs,

Marigold had her 2nd pedicure after supper,

Giant Puffball

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