Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Grass Drawing - Sit Spot 1501 - October 1, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 7:30 p.m.

Sit 1501    :   West Porch    :    Partly cloudy 

+20° (+21°)  SW 7-11 kph      83% humidity 

Bats flying,

Crickets  & other Insects calling, 

(Traffic Noises), 

(Jet -  JetBlue Airways flight 6777...)

   (Boston to Los Vegas),


(11:55 p.m.) -

( Crickets  & other Insects calling),

(Stars shining),

1:55 a.m. -

Crickets  & other Insects calling,


7:19 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -

Carolina Wren,

Morning Activities -

Made pancakes for everyone this morning,

1.2 km trail walk with Marigold and ti-Nest,

Chatted and showed ti-Nest around the barnyard,

Afternoon Activities -

To gym,

   Walked 7.2 km on indoor track,

      (Listening to Podcast and lost track of time),

1 km trail walk with Marigold,

   One Tall Buttercup blooming again,

   One Meadow Hawkweed blooming again,

Drove to town for restaurant meal with

   Fleur-Ange, her sister, her brother-in-law, her daughter, 

   & her granddaughter,

1 km trail walk with Fleur-Ange & Marigold after supper,

Seen or Heard from Kitchen -

Blue Jay,



White-breasted Nuthatch,

Carolina Wren,

Black Squirrel,

Grey Squirrel.

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