Saturday, August 26, 2006

ZimSculpt # 2

Three more sculptures from the ZimSculpt exhibit at the Royal Botanical Gardens:

More information here.


threecollie said...

These are just lovely. I especially like the fish.

Anonymous said...

I saw a great collection of Chapungu sculpture at the botanical garden in St. Louis some years ago. I'm sure these sculptors were included in that exhibit. We even bought a small piece (small in size but not in price) that sits on our shelf at home. I really like this kind of sculpture.

Kati said...

These sculptures really are beautiful. How I envy you being close enough to visit and see them. Please do try to keep on posting more pictures of this artwork. I find it incredibly moving, maybe because it's not a copy of something that has already been said, the way so much garden art available here is, but it expresses something real about the artist's life. Amazing.

Lil said...

I'm originally from Hamilton and know the RBG very well. THank you for posting, I'm definitely going to have to visit the exhibit!

Ontario Wanderer said...

Threecollie, Glad you like them too. More to come!

Pablo, We want to buy one but I suspect the ones that are of any size will be dwarfed by price.

Kati, I hope to get most of the sculptures up during the next few weeks as I really like them.

Lillithmother, It will be worth your drive and admission!

Lené Gary said...

Hey OW,
I'm glad you put the link about the sculptures in. I didn't see one on the first post, so I was wondering what the story was. Very cool! Nice photos too.