There were many possibilities for this post but I like to stay down to three photos for my slow dial up. (We had someone on the roof checking to see if we could get wireless yesterday. We can't. Sigh!) Anyway, our dog, Calla, thought she should have equal time with the cat and gave me this pose.

And then, a few minutes later, this tiny moth begged for some photo attention.

And lastly, here is the result of my playing with the shutter speed while trying to get a good shot of a buttercup. It was way underexposed but I liked the results anyway.
How did you get Calla to stay still long enough to take a picture? Cassie refuses to pause long enough for a single click and even turns her head away from the camera to make sure I don't take one.
The moth and the buttercup are both lovely. A good number of shots which I have taken would be called underexposed in the conventional scheme of things, but I was delighted by the results, and now and again they looked like paintings rather than photos.
All the Lady's Slippers in bloom now, and there are some wonderful photo opportunities out in the woods.
But does Calla reek of skunk odor like her counterpart in Kansas? You do not know what you are missing. Ms. K here tonite and tomorrow and no dog available. Reading lots of books and we both like that a lot, so it will all work out.
Just found you via Clairesgarden.
At least I think that is where I found you! LOL
I am enjoying your lovely photos and will be back! Calla is precious!
How lucky that the moths there wait for their photos to be taken. Ours flit about and fly off just as I have them in focus!
Calla is quite a cutie, and that buttercup is interesting. I don't know enough about photography to know why shutter speed would produce that affect.
Nice dog!
K, Calla is on a short lead these days as she tends to jump and run if a deer, rabbit, turkey, mouse, etc. catches her attention and my arm is feeling the effects of being pulled too hard. We keep her on the lead to give the wildlife a chance to reproduce. Because she is on the short lead, and tied to the tree in this instance, she has learned to save her energy and lie down. She was also waiting for her treat for being such a good dog.
KR, Calla had her skunk fun last year. I am hoping to avoid that this year but soon the grass will be tall enough to hide the skunks until the last minute and then...
(Reading is almost as much fun as a dog for a while.)
I, Glad you stopped by and that you liked what you saw. I presume you have a blog and I'll have a look to see what you are up to when I get a few minutes.
RA, At least 9 out of 10 moths keep on the move but it was cool in the early morning and this one gave me several chances for a photo.
Fast shutter speed gives less light a chance to get in so only the bright butgtercup showed up. If I had a slow shutter speed more light would get in and the buttercup would have been almost white while the background green would have been more colourful.
P. Calla is a great dog but not trained too well yet. She is the first dog that I have had since I was a child and the same goes for Églantine so we did go to dog school for a bit but not quite long enough. Amazing how much it costs to educate oneself correctly about dog ownership.
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