Hello Ontario Wanderer I would love to know even a little wee bit of what you know of the wild flora and fauna (not sure of the spelling). Thank you for the opportunity to begin. There is a lot to learn and you have soooo much on your blog to explore.
Your previous post of the ultra-early blooms was a little alarming, so nice to see the wet snow and a pic of moose! It certainly has been crazy weather...
R, Perhaps we can trade knowledge; I'll tell you flower names and you can tell me about art techniques.
E, I wish the moose were local. I "borrowed it" from further north.
T, Yes the early blooms are troublesome. Sorry the moose is not from closer to home. I probably should not have put it in but my daughter sent me photos that were supposed to be of a moose in someone's kitchen and I had trouble believing it so I moved it. (The moose is real, only the location is fictitious. I'd hate to give the wrong impression of southern Ontario to my readers from the States and Oz.)
Hello Ontario Wanderer
I would love to know even a little wee bit of what you know of the wild flora and fauna (not sure of the spelling).
Thank you for the opportunity to begin. There is a lot to learn and you have soooo much on your blog to explore.
The goldfinch is lovely and I am glad you shared the moose.
I enjoy your pictures --- Thank you
Your previous post of the ultra-early blooms was a little alarming, so nice to see the wet snow and a pic of moose! It certainly has been crazy weather...
R, Perhaps we can trade knowledge; I'll tell you flower names and you can tell me about art techniques.
E, I wish the moose were local. I "borrowed it" from further north.
T, Yes the early blooms are troublesome. Sorry the moose is not from closer to home. I probably should not have put it in but my daughter sent me photos that were supposed to be of a moose in someone's kitchen and I had trouble believing it so I moved it. (The moose is real, only the location is fictitious. I'd hate to give the wrong impression of southern Ontario to my readers from the States and Oz.)
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