Yes, the sculpture is of my making. It is about two years old and will soon need repainting but it looks great, to me at least, in the snow.
Our east pond had this strange orangeish/brownish stain on it. I have no idea what the stain is from but the pond is surrounded by Willows so perhaps it is something from them.

This was the morning view as I walked along our east trail looking to the south.

I love seeing the snow there. It looks so quiet and serene. We don't often get much snow here, but every now and then, a storm can drop a foot or more. I'm wishing.
I can imagine that Sara Gwenllian Jones would have a story about your weird water. She's always cracking me up. It's interesting.
RD, I enjoy the snow too but it's disappearing fast for now. It will return soon, I hope.
L, Yes, we will have to wait to see what she can tell us. I am sure she will have some story if she drops by.
I wonder if it isn't iron? We have the same thing in our south pond which has several deep springs. The QAL pic above is stunning!We've had a dramatic melt, too.
T, If it were iron would it not be there every time? I don't remember seeing the colour before. Or maybe I was not watching? There are no springs in the pond. Last year at this time it was dry.
Thanks for the compliment re the QAL! Yes, all the snow is gone now and the temperatures got up to 17 yesterday. Strange!!!
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