At long last, I got around to digging the rest of the potatoes out of the garden.

I planted three short rows of potatoes in the spring, hoed them about once during the summer and in general ignored them and let them be surrounded by weeds and still I dug up over 34 kg (75 lbs) of potatoes. That does not count the potatoes that we have been digging since late August for the occasional meal.

While I was digging potatoes, Églantine was taking photos including this great one of a Chickadee on one of our Sunflower plants!

While supper was cooking I looked outside and noticed the late afternoon sun lighting up one of our tall garden grasses.

The sun was setting so I walked to the edge of the yard and got this photo.

And with the wide angle lens of the camera, this is what I saw.

Not being one to leave something beautiful alone, I played with the image with Photoshop and got this result.

Lovely pictures. These capture the best aspects of this time of year. Unfortunately here we've had ceaseless rain for days and days - the worst of it!
Interesting to see a photo of a chickadee. I've heard that memorable bird name many times but I don't think I've ever seen a picture of one before. It's surprisingly similar to a Great Tit (Parus major)
OW-- You've described the absolutely perfect autumn day. The bountiful harvest, the walk in the woods, chickadee posing splendidly, and a delicious dinner capped by a beautiful sunset. Wonderful views.
Hello, I can lurk no longer. I've been loving the photos. Especially the deer, hawk & chickadee.
All great photos. I can see and feel them.
SGJ, Yes our Chickadee looks and acts almost exactly like the birds the Brits call Tits. According to the notes in my British Birds book, I saw my first Great Tit in March of 1994.
RD, Did I mention dinner? It was delicious and the sunset did cap the day wonderfully.
D, Thanks for coming out of the closet to let us know what you are enjoying.
DPR, Yes, earthy, it took quite some time to get all the dirt off my hands and out from under my fingernails. Where did I put my gardening gloves anyway? Églantine had the better job as recorder.
IW, Thank you. Too bad you live so far away or else you could stop by and taste too. (I liked your Grand Canyon story of the Raven and the Condor.)
Wow, along with the taters you've both harvested some lovely pics, light, and moods. Eglantine's photo of the chickadee is just wonderful.
T, Thanks! Yes, the chickadee photo was very special. I am very jealous as I have never been able to get a bird photo half as good. It's great to have such a talented partner!
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