Thursday, March 20, 2025 9:25 a.m.
Spring Equinox
Sit 1658 : Brush Pile E : Cloudy with rain
+11° (+8°) S 24-36 kph 86% humidity
(Traffic Noises),
Red-winged Blackbirds,
Wind in trees,
Tree branches squeaking in wind,
Carolina Wren,
(11:45 p.m.) -| Quiet,
1:20 a.m. -| (Some stars at 1:20),
3:00 a.m. -| Mostly Cloudy,
4:25 a.m. -|
7:23 Sunrise Chorus -
Morning Activities -
Made Waffles for Breakfast,
Short Trail walk with Marigold,
(Forgot to turn on app),
Phoned Rogers to try to sort out
(Worked on mobile while I waited),
After 1.5 hours I got into the Rogers site,
Saw a problem with my name,
Tried to change it,
Signed out.
Could not sign in again as the site said
My password was wrong,
(I had just changed it and wrote it down),
Why do I have so many problem with this site?
Afternoon Activities -
Drove to Brantford for Gretzky indoor track walk,
I was hoping to be outside today
but it was raining,
Donna was there for about 20 minutes,
Bruce and Diane were there for about 40 minutes,
I walked for about 1 hr 15 minutes for 5 km.
Came home and finished “Bridgers I”
the si-fi novel I started yesterday,
by Stan C. Smith,
1.2 km Trail walk with Marigold,
Worked on digital painting,
Seen or Heard from Kitchen -
Red-Winged Blackbirds,
Blue Jay,
Mourning Dove,
White-Breasted Nuthatch,
Red-Bellied Woodpecker,
Carolina Wren,
Black Squirrel,
Red Squirrel.
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