Tuesday, July 02, 2024

New Flower - July 2, 2024

Ragged Fringed Orchid
Found by Fleur-Ange today in our west meadow
I have never seen this flower before.
 It is listed as rare in Brant County

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sit 1410


12:40 a.m. -


Stars shining,

One Firefly,

2:25 a.m. -

Stars shining,


5:46 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Carolina Wren,

House Wren,


Morning Activities -

To Gretzky Gym to work out,

   Forgot my gym shorts,

   Walked 5 km on the indoor track

      So my drive into town was not wasted,

Afternoon Activities -

Spent some time mowing,

Did a shortened dog walk in the heat,

Did the sit spot but,

   Accidentally erased all my records

      For the walk and the sit spot,

Dog Trainers were here in the evening.

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