Monday, June 24, 2024

Digital Art - Sit Spot #1402 - June 24, 2024

June 24 Digital Art

Monday, June 24, 2024 5:50 p.m.

Sit 1402     :      East Porch     :     Mostly Sunny

+24° (+28°)      E 608 kph             56% humidity


Blue Jay,

House Wren, 

(Traffic Noises), 


Grey Squirrel,

Mourning Dove, 



(10:35 p.m.) -| Fireflies,

(11:30 p.m.) -|

12:30 a.m.    -| Stars,

1:30 a.m.      -|

2:15 a.m.      -| Quiet,

3:30 a.m.      -|

4:20 a.m. -

A few clouds,

Fireflies gone,

Still Quiet,

5:42 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -


Mourning Dove, 


House Wren,

Carolina Wren,

Warbling Vireo,

Song Sparrow,

(Merlin App),



Morning Activities -

Short dog walk,

To WGSC indoor Track

5 km walk with about 8 toilet breaks,

Afternoon Activities -

Work on digital painting,

Transplanted 5 Milkweed Plant

  by east porch,

To Dundas for Chiropractor,

West field dog walk with Marigold,

Store bought pizza for supper,

Another west field dog walk with Marigold,

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