Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sore Head & Sit Spot - February 27, 2020

Other than being 2.5 cm shorter and having a headache I came in from the evening dog walk about the same as I was when I went out. I wish I would learn to keep my head up when walking so I would not run into low branches. I really cannot remember how many times I have bumped my head on various things just above eye level but not above head level.


February 27, 2020
Sit 397 : Brush Pile W : Partly Cloudy with blowing snow 
-6° (-15°) w 37-50 kph 84% humidity 

Wind in trees,
Tree branches clicking together 
2 Silent Eastern Bluebirds 
(Traffic noises, Train) 
(United Airlines flight 2350...),

Rabbit by east pond
White-tailed Deer on south ravine trail
Crows calling,
Blue Jays,
White-breasted Nuthatch,
First Pussy Willow catkin starting to poke out
Lots of deer, coyote, rabbit, & squirrel tracks in the snow

Photo Site #4 - North Ridge Trail

Snow tracks of a Goldenrod in the wind

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