Sunday, December 30, 2018

Green December

            We have had very little snow so far this December. Because of that, I have been able to photograph some plants that tend to stay green all winter but are usually hidden under the snow. Following are 9 that I have found between December 23 and 29:

Unidentified Moss growing up the sides of a small tree.

I wish I knew sedges. I think this is a sedge.
Sorry, not really even sure about that.

Black Raspberry
Framboisier noir
(Rubus occidetalis)

Dame's Rocket
Julienne des dames
(Hesperis matronalis)

Hairy Bittercress
Cardamine hérissée
(Cardamine hirsuta

Heal-all aka Self-heal
Brunelle commune
(Prunella vulgaris)

Bull Thistle

Oursin à têtes rondes
(Cirsium vulgaire)

Field Strawberry
Fraisier de Virginie
(Fragaria virginiana)

Herb Robert
Géranium de Robert
(Geranium robertianum)

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