It's hard to believe that we will be starting our last five day segment of the long walk this morning. I spent much of yesterday morning on our day off going through Google maps again to sort out the last of the walk. Since we opted to stay in Vermont for most of the walk along the Connecticut River our walk will be shorter than expected, i.e. only about 450 km instead of 480 km. We could finish a day and a half early but we won't. There are some sore feet in the group and an early finish would mess up the prearranged camping and B&B's so we will just walk fewer km per day, 18.5 km instead of 20 km.
Our present B&B is a full house that we have to ourselves. It is located only about a 10 minute drive from the road we will walk to today and is on a very large lot. Our closest neighbour is a cornfield so it is quiet.
The living room has a very soft carpet, nice furniture, and a wi-fi connection. We used it all a lot yesterday on our day of rest. It also has a TV but somehow I don't think anyone took the time to see if it worked. It appears that none of us are addicted to that machine. Computers, yes, TV, no.
I took the living room photo yesterday before sunrise. Looks the same this morning. Yes, I am still up early but did sleep in until nearly 5:30 this morning. Even on camping days I have been up well before 6:00 a.m. out of habit more than anything else. Of course on camping days not one of us has made it too late to get to bed. Amazing how dark and cold can make one sleepy early. Not sure why I can't stay in the sleeping bag a bit longer. Well, OK, there are some physical reasons for me to get up but I could go back to bed, I just don't.

Since the sun was shining and we had the space and time, I hung out all the camping gear in the yard yesterday to get it dried out properly. We have 4 more nights of camping coming up so it was good to get everything really dry again. If the weather forecast is correct we are in for a very warm day again today. Sunny skies and +26° C is what is called for. No freezing night here and we are walking further south so we are hoping for warmer camping nights.