Yesterday afternoon I sat on our front steps in my tee-shirt, without a coat, and cranked an ice cream freezer while listening to Spring Peepers calling from the pond. This morning we had a snowstorm.

This evening I can hear American Woodcocks doing their mating call. What will the weather be doing next?
Spring Peepers!!! Colour me jealous...
this weather is, to say the least, CRAZY! March is repaying us in spades.
One minute I am gloating because of the balmy day, the next I am grabbing my coat and scarf.
But... Spring Peepers!!
it is changable, it gets frustrating sometimes, I have started to take wellies , waterproof trousers ,an extra jacket, a lighter jacket, all loads of stuff in the car whenever I go anywhere as it can even change from one hour to the next.
Are you living in Canada or Kansas? :)
Our weather is remarkably similar. We had our first peepers Monday night and a south wind. Then snow and cold. I've taken to doing a quick C/F conversion to compare your weather icon to mine.
It's anybody's guess! Mother Nature will make the call though!
I think it's been this way pretty much all over this year.
T, It won't be long and the peepers will be deafening. You will probably even hear them above the noise of Toronto.
E, Peepers are always a treat. The Chorus Frogs and Wood Frogs will be next.
C, Yes, it seems I have to check the thermometer each time before I go outside if I want to avoid coming back in to change coats.
L, One would think, after growing up in Kansas, that I would be used to all these weather changes. At least we don't have the days and days of winds here and only two or three tornados a year to worry about.
M.A., We don't live that far apart.
R, Yes, one does notice how the weather seems to change often this year from coast to coast to coast. What ever happened to "normal"?
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